浅谈中药房带教体会 :中药学是中医药专业的重要基础课程之一。因此,到中药房实习 是中医药专业学生的必经阶段,让学生把理论知识在实习阶段加以 巩固。我院是医学院的临床教学医院之一,我们中药房也承担着广 州中医药大学、肇庆市高等医科专业学校等多所院校的中药实习带 教任务。中药房存在着中药品种多,配方工作忙,各类的实习生实 习时间长短不一等因素,如何带教好实习生,完成教学任务,笔者 就多年的带教工作进行了总结,以供交流学习。 : 关键词中药房带教体会 Shalloacy guidance and teaching experience Huang Jianghong Abstract:The traditional Chinese pharmacology is one of Chinese medicine specialized important foundation curricula.Therefore,is the Chinese medicine specialized student must pass through the stage to the pharmacy practice,lets the student consolidate the theory knoedical schools clinical teaching hospitals,in us the pharmacy is also undertaking Guangzhou Chinese medicine University,Zhaoqing Higher Medical department Vocational school and so on many colleges and universities Chinese native medicine practice guidance and teaching duty.The pharmacy has the Chinese native medicine variety to be many,the formula elength