
浅谈我国快递业务的发展_物流管理毕业论文 浅谈我国快递业务的发展 摘要 随着网上购物一日千里的发展势头,快递业务也如雨后春笋,蓬勃发展。中国快递市

浅谈我国快递业务的发展_物流管理毕业论文 浅谈我国快递业务的发展 摘要 随着网上购物一日千里的发展势头,快递业务也如雨后春笋,蓬勃发展。 中国快递市场现在正以25%的增长速度迅速发展,物流市场开放程度不断加深, 这些使得我国快递市场成为外国快递巨头眼中的一块大“蛋糕”。同时许多制约 快递业健康发展的障碍和矛盾也逐渐显现。本文通过分析我国快递业的发展现状, 从几个方面指出影响我国快递业发展的主要问题,并提出自己的建议。 关键词:快递业;邮政快递;民营快递;发展策略 Introduction to the Development of Express Business in China Abstract Along with the development of online shopping one day, express business also have mushroomed, vigorous development。 China's express delivery market is now growing at 25% speed rapid development, logistics market opening degree deepening, which makes the giant become foreign express delivery market in China in the eyes of abig "cake"。 At the same time ,many which restricts the healthy development of the express industry obstacles and contradictions also
