英语写作技巧作文4600字Here are ten ways to produce more vivid (生动的), direct, concise (简洁的) composition by cho
4600 英语写作技巧作文字 Here are ten ways to produce more vivid direct concise (生动的),,(简洁的) composition by choosing fewer words and well organized sentences. But conciseness doesnt mean that you write short choppy sentences or that you cut ,(支离破碎的), out details. It means that you simply take out empty words and phrases. (裁剪)(取出) 以下有十个方法用尽量少的词语和组织好的句子来写出更加生动、直接、简洁的文章。但 简炼并不意味着你写短的,不连贯的句子,或者把细节裁掉,而是指取出无意义的单词和 短语。 1. Use active voice 使用主动的语态 Active verbs put the actor first and sound livelier than passive verbs which (被动的), can sound static or abstract .Active verbs are much easier to (静止的)(抽象的) understand and much more powerful. Try to use the active voice whenever possible. 主动动词把动作实行者放在首位,这样的句子听起来更加生动,而被动语态显得静止和抽 象。主动句更容易让人理解,更富有威力。请尽可能使用主动语态。 The meeting was seen by us as aploy to delay the project. 原句:(策略)(这个会议被我 们当做拖延该项目的一种策略。) We saw the meeting as aploy to delay the project. 修改后:(我们把这个会议当成拖延该 项目的一种策略。) 2. Avoid vague nouns 避免使用含糊不清的名词 Phrases formed around general nouns such as aspect degree and (一般名词),, situation clutter …… sentences easily. Avoid those nouns which express avague (使凌乱) concept or an abstract idea and cannot picture aspecific action. (含糊的) 由诸如方面、程度、状态等一般名词组成的短语容易使句子变得杂乱。请避免使用这些描 述模糊或抽象的概念,不能够明确说明行动的名词。 She is an expert in the area of international relations. 原句:(在国际关系的领域中她是个 专家。) She is an expert in international relations. 修改后:(她是国际关系方面的专家。) 3. Use words not their definitions ,使用单词,而不是他们的定义 Replace explanatory phrases with asingle word that encapsulates (解释的)(概括) that explanation.