七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball教案1 (新版)人教新目标版

unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball课 题Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?总 课时,本单元第 1 课时日 期课 型New 主备人复备

unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball 课题 Unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball? 1 总课时,本单元第课时 日期 课型 New 主备人 复备人 审核人 学 习 1rememberthenewwords:fromhavetodoesn’t 2learnthesentence:Doyouhaveaball?Yes,Ido./No,Idon’t Doeshehaveacomputer?Yes,hedoes./No,hedoesn’t 目 标 重 点 Doyou…….?Doeshe/she…..? 句型的运用 难 have–has,do--does 第三人称单数的变形 点 时间 复备标注 教师活动 学生活动 checkthehomework Theteachershouldknowhowmanysshavefinishedthework,andhow 1 manyhaven’t.Andhowdidtheyfinishthework? Learnthenewwords: 教 have---has,soccerball–football,do---does 学 Playsoccerball/tennis/ping—pong/playvolleyball/basketball 过 Bat 程 2 Readthenewwordsandmasterthepronunciation andthespelling
