-_ 有关硝普钠预处理对高血压犬气管插管血活动力学的影响口腔科学口腔科学论文 作者摘要: 王军,张伟,王警卫,曹艳 【硝普钠 Hemodynamic effect of sodium nitroprusside pretreatment for tracheal intubation in renal hypertensive dogs Abstract AIM: To evaluate the preventive effect on the hemodynamic stress 【摘要 with the pretreatment of sodium nitroprusside followed by tracheal intubation in renal hypertensive dogs. METHODS: Four dogs with renal hypertension were enrolled in 摘要 the autocontrol experiment. The dogs were anesthetized by sodium pentobarbital injection (30 mg/kg) and then tracheal intubation was performed without sodium nitroprusside pretreatment. Three days later, the same dogs were given sodium nitroprusside (8 μg/kg%26#12539;min) via femoral vein before intubation. In the absence or presence of sodium nitroprusside pretreatment, their blood pressure and heart rate were measured at several time points, such as exposing glottis, inserting tube and completing intubation. The data under the two different conditions were compared by ttest. RESULTS: There 摘要 was significant difference in blood pressure with and without sodium nitroprusside at the time point of exposing glottis, inserting tube and completing intubation (P%26lt;0.05), while no difference was observed in heart rate. CONCLUSION: Sodium 摘要 nitroprusside pretreatment can prevent the rise of blood pressure and reduce the hemodynamic stress in the process of tracheal intubation. Keywords sodium nitroprusside; hypertension; dogs; intubation, intratracheal 【 【摘要目的摘要:在肾动脉高血压犬模型上,评价硝普钠预处理后气管插管对高血压 .430 mg/kg 犬血活动力学影响方法摘要:肾动脉高血压杂种犬条,经戊巴比妥钠麻醉, .4 建立血活动力学监测体系用自身对照进行实验,只犬不用硝普钠进行气管插管,连续观 .3 d 察血活动力学参数,丈量显露声门、气管内置管和完成插管时的血压、心率后先自股 8μg/(kg%26#12539;min)20% 静脉泵进硝普钠,血压下降后同样条件下气管插管,观察各 t. 时间点血活动力学指标,两组数据进行配对检验结果摘要:硝普钠预处理和未处理犬显 (P0.05) 露声门、气管内置管和完成插管时比较,血压升高,存在明显差异<,而对心率无影