全站仪在水文地形测绘中的应用 摘要:随着社会的发展,科学的进步,水文行业也在逐步从传统水文向现代水文、大水 文迈进。水文行业的现代化,最直接的体现就是水文勘测仪器的现代化。从转子式流速仪到 电波式、超声波式流速仪,从经纬仪到全站仪,无不体现着水文现代化的发展。全站仪,作 为一种集光、机、电为一体的高技术测量仪器,可以较好的完成水文工作中地形图测绘、浮 标测流、洪水抢测等项目,笔者相信全站仪在水文现代化进程中,必定发挥巨大的作用。 CASS 关键词:地形测绘;水文考证;全站仪; Total station instrument in hydrological topographic __pping applications 123 XuJiaGaoYonghuaHaoYueying ,, Hebei Hengshui hydrology and Water Resour__s Survey Bureau HengShui 053000 () Abstract: with the development of society, the progress of scien__, hydrological industry also gradually from the traditional to the modern hydrology, big hydrological hydrological ahead. The modernization of the hydrological industry, the most direct embodiment of hydrologic exploration is the modernization of the instrument. From the rotor flow meter to w__es type, ultrasonic velocity apparatus, from the theodolite type to electronic tachometer, all show hydrological the development of modernization. As akind of electronic tachometer, with light, __chine, electricity for the integration of high-tech measuring instrument, can better finish the hydrologic work in surveying and __pping, buoys how topographic __p, and the flood rob projects such as measured, the author believe that by using the modernization pro__ss in hydrology, will surely play ahuge role. Key words: Terrain __pping; Hydrological textual research; trigonalCASS ; 水文站地形图测绘工作属于水文考证的重要内容,一般在水文站建站初期进行,在地形 520 有显著变化的时候应年进行一次重测。当地形变化不大时,重测时间应不超过年。地 “ 形测绘的主要目的是实现平面与高程控制,其主要步骤可以总结为:前期准备,确定导线 __” 点,导线测量计算,碎步测量,连线成图,后期出图六个步骤。 1 、前期准备 前期准备工作是测绘地形工作的基础。只有前期准备的充分,才能保障后期工作的顺利