江苏省镇江市丹阳大泊职业中学2020年高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. . —Have you heard about the recent election?—Sure, it ____
参考答案: 江苏省镇江市丹阳大泊职业中学年高二英语下学期期末 2020 D 试卷含解析 7. Ihave kept that photo_______I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university life in London. 一、选择题 A. when B. where C. how D. whether .—Have you heard about the recent election? 1. 参考答案: —Sure, it _______ the only thing on the news for the last three days. A. would be B. is C. has been D. will be B 参考答案: 略 C 8. Yesterday my mother’s sleeve caught _____ fire while she was cooking us adelicious meal in 2. AIDs is adisease that _______ the body”s immune system. ________ kitchen. Abreaks out B. breaks into C. breaks down D. breaks up A. a; the B. a; /C. the ;a D. /; the 参考答案: 参考答案: C D 略 9. ----Why didn’t you come to meet me, Bill? ----Sorry, dear. But Ireally forgot where Iwas _____ to meet you. Sometimes people just believe what they see, ______the reality may be different. 3. A.demanded B. supposed C. delighted D. squeezed A. as if B. even though C. since 参考答案: D. unless B 参考答案: 10. The workers pretended hard when the manager came to see how their work was B going on. If we learn some knowledge of first aid, it can make areal___in time of accidents. 4. A. to have worked B. working C. to work D. to be working Aappointment Bdecision Cdeal Ddifference .... 参考答案: 参考答案: D D It is said that anew bridge ______ over the river next winter. 5. 略 Awill be built Bwill build Cwas built Dbuilt 参考答案: 11. Now Iam nearly 110 kilograms. How Iwish I______ as slim as several years ago. A In no way should we hunt and kill antelopes. _____, everyone should make great 6. A. were B. would be C. had been D. was efforts to protect them. A. In timeB. As aresult C. In addition D. On the contrary 参考答案: