山东省潍坊市浯河中学2021-2022学年高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题6. Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than
D 山东省潍坊市浯河中学学年高二英语下学期期末试 2021-2022 卷含解析 5. ________ good, the food was soon sold out. 一、选择题 A. Tasted B. Being tasted 6. Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when ______ alone. C. Tasting D. Having Tasted A. to see B. seeing C. is seen 参考答案: D. seen C 参考答案: Whether the building in this area should be pulled down has remained ;people 6. D are still looking for other possible solutions. 略 A. unchallenged B. relevant 32These wild flowers are so special Iwould do Ican to save them. 、 C. controversial D. contradictory A. whatever B. that C. which D. whichever 参考答案: 参考答案: C A AB 试题分析: 未受到挑战的;不成问题的;未引起争论的;无异议的;有关的,中肯的;相关联 略 []D adj. 的;确切的;有重大意义作用的;矛盾的;反驳的;抗辩的;句义:这个地区的建筑物是否 Awoman had a________ escape yesterday when her car left the road. 3. relevant 要被拆毁事关重大,人们仍然在寻找其他可能的解决方法。根据句义说明本句的表示有重 A. necessaryB. narrow B 大意义的。故正确。 C. nervousD. neat When Iopened the door, Ifound my father sitting in his chair, completely______a 7. 参考答案: magazine. B Aabsorbing in Babsorbed in Cabsorbing to Dabsorbed to .... 参考答案: A. necessaryB. 【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:昨天她的车冲出马路,差点就死了。必要的; B narrowC. nervousD. neathave anarrow escape 狭窄的;紧张的;整齐的。本句为短语九死一 That’s aproblem because eating habits are hard _______. 8. B 生,故选。 A. break B. to break C. breaking D. to be 4. Take atea break, Joe. You _______ the football game for acouple of hours. broken 参考答案: A. watched B. are watching C. have watched D. have been watching B Only those people who use akitchen frequently understand the best way to ______. 9. 参考答案: