

TAISEE T6-SCRST6-SCR 使用手冊 SCR 多功能數位顯示電力調整器 TAISEE LINE AC180V~AC480V TAISEE LINE AC180V~AC480V TAISEE Esc RUN RUN STOP Esc STOP T6 SET ~220V SET ~220V ST6 TAISEE ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD ALC TAISEE ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD M T6-4-4-075-CT RALO L A RUN ALM Esc ST6-4-4-040-CT WARNING STOP KE1 ~220V ! 0 ~220V 1 WARNING ST6 RE2 SET ! No abusing using beyond the rated current,please retain sufficient current in advance when power is not steady V E3 No touching any terminal in using because of bulit-in high voilage and heat parts IN- TAISEE ELECTRONICCO.,LTD ALC TNo abusing using beyond Inthecaseratedthecurrent,pleaseelectrice shock,plearetain seufficientmake surecurrentyouinturnadvanceoff thewhenpowerpowberforeis notreplacingsteadythe fuse M U the firing from Spikes or contact overheat,must lock screws of the terminal tightly R P ALO NIN+o touching any terminal In icaseuing becauseof bulicomponent-ihigh causesvoilge and heat parts L
