
2022年高考英语阅读理解D深度 解析(名校内部资料)DAs we agez even if we1 re healthy, the heart just isn't as efficient in

2022D 年高考英语阅读理解深度 解析(名校内部资料) D 1 As we age even if we re healthy, the heart just isn't as z efficient in processing oxygen as it used to be. In most people the first signs show up in their 50s or early 60s. And among people who don' texercise, the changes can start even sooner. “Think of arubber band. In the beginning, it is flexible, but put it in adrawer for 20 years and it will become dry and easily broken,“ says Dr. Ben Levine, aheart specialist at the University of Texas. Thafs what happens to the heart. Fortunately for those in midlife, Levine is finding that even if you haven't been an enthusiastic exerciser, getting in shape now may help improve your aging heart.
