路面加速加载实验设备研究 王刚 贾倩 张鹏 管志光 张吉卫 杨福广Summary:路面加速加载实验设备可在短时间内完成路面数年后的破坏情况,是检测路面状态的最有效的手段之一。现有的足尺路面加速加
路面加速加载实验设备研究 王刚 贾倩 张鹏 管志光 张吉卫 杨福广 Summary:路面加速加载实验设备可在短时间内完成路面数年后的破坏情况,是 检测路面状态的最有效的手段之一。现有的足尺路面加速加载实验设备普遍存 在价格昂贵,体积质量大,不易移动,结构复杂等问题。本文在现有设备的基 础上,开发研制了回转式路面加速加载实验设备,设备规格小、质量轻、运输 方便、操作简单,解决了大型足尺加速加载设备的不足之处。可高效、准确的 完成路面加速加载性能实验研究,为道路建设提供可靠依据。 Abstract: The road surface accumulation and loading equipment is one of the most effective means to detect the state of the road surface, which can complete the damage of the road surface in ashort time. The existing full scale equipment for road surface generally has some problems, such as high price, large mass, difficult to move and complex structure. On the basis of the existing equipment, this paper develops arotary road accelerated loading experimental equipment, which has small size, light weight, convenient transportation and simple operation, and overcomes the shortcomings