
漳 州 城 市 职 业 学 院 课 程 教 案授课课题(教学章、节或主题):Unit 3 Personal Finance课时安排: 4 授课时间: 教学目的要求(分掌

漳州 城市 职业 学院 课程 教案 Unit 3Personal Finance 授课课题(教学章、节或主题): 4 课时安排: 授课时间: 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 1. be familiar with the English expressions related to fiancé problems. 2. master the techniques to describing ways of spending in English. 3. acquaint students with the knowledge of education loan, investment and credit-card. 4. master the techniques to make abudget in English 5. acquire the related grammar points. 教学重点: 1. be familiar with the English expressions related to fiancé problems. 2. master the techniques to describing ways of spending in English. 3. master the techniques to make abudget in English 教学难点: 1. write aspending survey report. 2. write to express opinions on spending 3. acquire the related grammar points. 教学内容: Section One: Financial Matters 理财问题 Step One: Starter— Aquestionnaire about money matters at college A. Explain the language points in the survey. B. Have students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in the given questionnaire to complete the questionnaire. C. Have students exchange their questionnaires and learn about others students’ answers. D. Have 6-7 students into one group, work out the final result and give it an analysis. E. Have one student out of each group to report to the class on their group findings. Notes finance 1. personal 个人理财 n finance ☆. 财务管理,财政;金融;资金 e.g. My present finances preclude the possibility of buying acar. 按我目前的财政状 况是不可能买车的。 Unless we can get more finance, we’ll have to close the hotel. 除非能得到更多 的资金,否则我们将不得不关闭旅馆。 finance“” 当动词用时意思是供给,负担经费。 e.g. His parents financed his college education. 父母负担他上大学的费用。 The government will finance the building of the new roads with the taxes it 1
