XX年大学生英语六级听力模拟题及答案 Give more than you planned to.以下是为大家搜索的xx年大学生听力模拟题及答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!
XX年大学生英语六级听力模拟题及答案 Give more than you planned to.以下是为大家搜索的xx年大 学生听力模拟题及答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及 时关注我们! It's no aident that most gas stations have convenience stores attached. 绝大多数加油站都有便利店,这很正常。 Few of us can fill up the tank without buying afew snacks, cigarettes, soft drinks or other items we can live without. 我们中很少人给坦克加油而不买些小吃,香烟,软饮料或其他 生活必备物品的。 “I deserve it.” “这是我应得的。” That's what hard-working men and women say to justify their lavish vacations, big stereo systems or regular restaurant meals. 那是辛苦工作的男女们为了证明他们奢华的假期、大型立体声 系统或定期餐厅用餐合理而说的话。 They do deserve such indulgences. 他们值得这样的放纵。 However, they also deserve ahome of their own, a secure retirement and freedom from worrying about unpaid bills. 但是,他们也值得拥有一个自己的家园,一个有保障的退休以