Analysis of the enterprise market based on consumer marketing strategyIn this article fi
Analysis of the enterprise market based on consumer marketing strategy In this article first, iwill analyzes the characteristics of consumer behavior, consumer psychology and influence consumers to buy commodities, personal factors, in this based on the combination of amodern enterprise marketing, to explore a specific marketing strategy, that is the target market positioning, product portfolio and brand strategy sales service strategy, international strategy and so on. Introduction As the economy continues to develop, people's lives to change gradually, mental and buying behavior of consumers has undergone afundamental change, changes in consumer-to-business marketing strategy must have asignificant impact, research and understand consumer buying behavior andaccording to their needs and behavioral characteristics of the design and development of products, target market, and based on this to take atargeted marketing strategy, which is particularly important in terms of the modern enterprise. First,presented the new features of modern consumers and r easons Economic development, increasing the income of consumers, increasing the quality of life, prompting consumers to purchase on the psychological and significant changes have taken place in the emergence of new features: The pursuit of personal consumption.The pursuit of modern consumers with more consumption of the process and product of the unique human-oriented, there has been "my site Icall the shots", "I am myself" sort of slogans.People buy goods through their own to find, expression, to confirm its own special feeling. Consumption process changes.Consumer spending is reflected in active participation in the process.Consumers no longer satisfied with passively accept the sales of goods determined by the principal unilaterally gratitude, but it began actively involved in commodity production and marketing activities, relying on its own point 1