
论小学英语听说教学【摘要】任何一门语言学科的学习都要抓住它的基础,而对英语来说,它的基础就是听、说、读、 写,《小学英语教学大纲》中指出;小学英语教学主要是以听、说为主,读、写为辅。学习英语, 听说训

论小学英语听说教学 【摘要】任何一门语言学科的学习都要抓住它的基础,而对英语来说,它的基础就是听、说、读、 写,《小学英语教学大纲》中指出;小学英语教学主要是以听、说为主,读、写为辅。学习英语, 听说训练是最基木的训练。在小学英语的启蒙教学中,如何培养好小学生的听说习惯是关系他们 以 后英语运用水平高低的重要问题。木文主要围绕培养小学生英语听说能力的方法进行论述,强 调教 师应发展小学生的听说兴趣,运用正确有效的教学方法,与家长紧密配合,以提高小学生的 英语听 说能力。 【关键词】小学英语;听说训练;兴趣;环境 Heard of the Primary English Teaching [Abstract] Any one language discipline study about all is going to seize its bas is, but to inspect to say to English ,its basis is to listen to ,to say ,to read ,write .Elementary school points out in English syllabus :Elementary school Englis hteaching is to give first place to listening to ,speaking mainly ,read, write be ing subsidiary. Studying English ,hearing of training is the most fundamental tra ining. In English elementary school enlightening teaching, English wields importa nt level height problem after how training it is said that of nice pupil habit is to concern them. In this paper, primary and secondary school students around the culture of English listening and speaking ability of the methods discussed, emp hasizing the development of primary school teachers should be interested in list ening and speaking, using correct and effective teaching methods, and work clos ely with parents to improve primary and secondary school students of English lis tening and speaking ability. [Keywords] Elementary school English; Hear of training; Interest; Environment 英语是一种交际工具,英语教学的目的是培养学生使用这种交际工具的能力。这就需要教师在小 学 阶段的英语教学中,努力提高学生的学习兴趣,培养他们的语感,为中学进一步的学习打下基 础, 听说训练尤其重要。 基础教育阶段英语课程的总目标是培养学生的综合运用能力,而综合语言运用能力的具体内容是 体 现在四种技能上,即听、说、读、写。小学英语课的主要任务是培养和训练学生的听说能力。 听, 则要听得准确,在一定的语言环境中听,教师要设法在学生面前绘出一幅图画,让学生边听 边理解; 说,则要说得准确,要在特定的语言环境中情不自禁地说。山于种种原因,英语教学中 重视读写, 而忽视听说的现象比比皆是。面对小学教育专业的英语教学,教师担负着一个很重要 的责任:在小
