16年毕业论文英文致谢词精选汇编推荐 论文致谢词一般是用于正文结尾处,主要作用是表达对导师、答疑教师 及其他在论文撰写过程中给予帮助的人员的谢意。下面是16年毕业论文 英文致谢词精选汇编推荐,希望能对你有帮助。 篇一 Acknowledgements Many people have made invaluable contributions, both directly and indirectly to my research. Iwould like to express my warmest gratitude to xxx, my supervisor, for his instructive suggestions and valuable comments on the writing of this thesis. Without his invaluable help and generous encouragement, the present thesis would not have been accomplished. At the same time, Iam also grateful to Prof. xxx and Prof. xxx for providing me with valuable advice and access to the related resources on my thesis. Besides, Iwish to thank my colleagues xxx, who helped me search for reference. What’s more, Iwish to say “Thanks!” to the 100 subjects in this study for providing me chances to do the empirical study. Finally, Igreatly appreciate my parents and husband’s 此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。