
ted演讲稿最好的礼物 ted演讲稿最好的礼物 欢迎来到聘才网,以下是聘才为大家搜索的,欢迎大家阅读。 说到“礼物”,我们往往会想到祝福、惊喜等,但是对今天这个演讲的主人公来说,到底什么才是“最好的礼

ted演讲稿最好的礼物 ted演讲稿最好的礼物 欢迎来到聘才网,以下是聘才为大家搜索的,欢迎大家阅读。 说到“礼物”,我们往往会想到祝福、惊喜等,但是对今天这个演讲 的主人公来说,到底什么才是“最好的礼物”呢?快和小E一起寻找答 案吧! Imagine, if you will, agift请想象一份礼物 I'd like you to picture in your mind.请你们在脑海中构想一下 It's not too big.不是很大 About the size of agolf ball.大概高尔夫球般大小 So in vision what it looks like all wrapped up.包装好大致是这 个样子 But before Ishow you what's inside, Iwill ___ you that's going to do incredible things for you. 在我揭开谜底之前,我先告诉你们这件礼物会有多么精妙的效果 It will bring all of your family together.它会使你合家团聚 You will fell loved and appreciated like never before.你会感 受到前所未有的爱与感激 And reconnect to friends and acquaintances you haven't heard from in years. 与久未谋面的老友和旧识重逢 Adoration and admiration will overwhelm you.爱与赞美会充盈你 身
