中国翻译协会中译英最新发布词汇-识记【中译译译中译英最新译布译译】国翻会 一、译于建译和译社的译译 会1.疏译公情译 众defuse (public) anger/discontent~to prop
中国翻译协会中译英最新发布词汇-识记 【中译译译中译英最新译布译译】国翻会 一、译于建译和译社的译译 会 1.疏译公情译 众 defuse (public) anger/discontent~to properly channel public sentiments 2.译信缺失 lack of credibility 3. 译展译了人民、译展依人民、译展成果由人民共享 靠 development for the people, by the people and to the benefit of the people 4.和译共译 all-win harmony~harmony and all winners 5.译译社公平正译 会与 ensure equity and justice 6.廉政文化建译 foster aculture of clean government 7.减会少社不平等译象 reduce social inequalities 8.和译相译 live in harmony 9.和译社的涵 会内 the characteristics of aharmonious society 10.和译生物~同译不译;西周周太史史伯,