
Sale and Purchase Contract for Steam Coal (Signed By ETM) 煤炭购销(电子签)合同Contract No: FJHM-NMCM/A601C-NO

Sale and Purchase Contract for Steam Coal (Signed By ETM) 煤炭购销(电子签)合同 Contract No: FJHM-NMCM/A601C-NOV10 FJHM-XX/A601C-NOV10 合约编号: The contract is signed and stamped by the seller and the buyer through electronic method (ETM) and deemed to be original and have the same validity with Original Haidcopy 本合同以电子签章方式宙买卖双方签约视同正本,并与纸本正本合约具有相同效力 th This contract is made on 18 November 2010 by and between: 20101118 本合同山如下双方于年月日签署: SELLER 卖方 :G NAME ADDRESS : TELEPHONE : BUYER 买方 NAME: ADDRESS : TELEPHONE : FAX: DEFINITIONS 定义: In this Agreement unless the context otherwise requires: 在此协议中除非有其它要求: 1. "adb" means air dried basis. “adb” 是指空干基。 2. "arb" means as received basis. t4 arb- 是指收到基。 3. "Cargo" means delivered Korea blind coal of each shipment approximately 6500 MT (+/-10%) as per seller's option. "Cargo"60,000+/-10% 是指交运的每船装运约吨的朝鲜无烟煤。 4. "Coal” means Korea blind coal produced for the Seller from D.P R.Korea “Coal” 是指卖方产的。朝鲜无 烟煤 5. “C&F' has meaning ascribed to such term in INCOTERMS 2000 (as amended from time to time). “C& 厂含义
