
eThe Texas A&M University SystemOffice of Technology CommercializationCommercialization Proposal / I

OTC USE e The Texas A&M University System ONLY TAM US# Office of Technology Commercialization Commercialization Proposal /Invention Disclosure Form This form is used to disclose new inventions for assessment and possible commercialization and to meet obligations of disclosure as required under TAMUS Policy 17.01. Before completing this form, please refer to the guidelines at the end of this document. Please send your completed form, inventor data sheet(s), and any additional documentation to 1. Title: 2. Lead Inventor: (Inventor Data Sheet required) 3. Abstract: Describe the invention and what it can be used for in 500 words or less. The description should be accessible to a"lay audience" having no special or expert knowledge in your field. 4. Other TAMUS Inventor(s): (Inventor Data Sheet required for each inventor) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. Other Non-TAMUS Inventor(s): (Inventor Data Sheet required for each inventor) 1. 2. 3. 6. Utility: Describe your vision for how this invention could be used to create a 123 commercial product or service or how it could be used in industry. 1 Items of commerce, including but not limited to devices, therapeutics, catalysts, advanced materials, diagnostics, assays, and instrumentation. 2 Commercial activities including but not limited to consulting, manufacture, analysis, processing, and design. 3Tools and methods that can be used to improve or enhance acompany's internal processes, including but not limited to quality control methods, decision-making tools, training, waste stream management,
