湖南教育电视台受众定位研究的开题报告 【摘要】 湖南教育电视台是湖南省教育部门领导下的重要机构,其受众定位 研究是开展有效宣传和服务的必要步骤。本文采用文献研究法、问卷调 查法和访谈法对湖南教育电视台受众定位进行探讨,旨在为电视台的宣 传和服务提供依据。本文分析了湖南教育电视台的发展历程和现状,并 对其受众特点、需求和意见进行了深入剖析。研究发现,湖南教育电视 台主要受众为学生、家长和教师,他们对教育资源和教育信息的需求较 为强烈,希望电视台在教育启蒙、素质教育、考试指导等方面给予更多 的关注和支持。文章最后针对研究结果提出了相关建议,旨在为电视台 的未来发展提供一些思路和参考。 【关键词】湖南教育电视台;受众定位;研究;探讨;建议 Abstract 【】 Hunan Education TV Station is an important institution under the leadership of the Hunan Provincial Education Department. Its audience positioning research is anecessary step in carrying out effective publicity and services. This paper adopts literature research, questionnaire survey and interview method to explore the audience positioning of Hunan Education TV Station, aiming to provide abasis for the television station's publicity and services. This paper analyzes the development history and current situation of Hunan Education TV Station, and deeply analyzes the characteristics, needs and opinions of its audience. The study found that the main audience of Hunan Education TV Station are students, parents and teachers, they have a strong demand for educational resources and information, and hope that the television station can pay more attention and support in education enlightenment, quality education, exam guidance and other aspects. Finally, the article puts forward some suggestions based on the research results, which aim to provide some ideas and references for the future development of the television station. KeywordsHunan Education TV Station; Audience positioning; 【】 Research; Exploration; Suggestions