高中英语选择性必修二 Unit 5 First aid Period 1 Reading and Thinking教案

新人教版(2019)英语选修性必修二Unit 5 First aid Period 1 Reading and Thinking教学设计课题 Unit 5 Period 1 Reading a

2019 新人教版()英语选修性必修二 Unit 5First aid Period 1Reading and Thinking 教学设计 课题 Unit 5Period 1Reading 单元 Unit 5 学科 English 年级 Grade 2 and Thinking This is the first period of this unit. The theme of this activity is "Learn About First Aid for Burns". Burns are common in daily life, but there are some mistakes in how to deal 教材 with them, such as applying ice, breaking blisters or casually applying antibiotic ointment or 分析 grease. This section shows students proper first aid so they don't take things for granted in emergencies. This section also guides students to analyze the causes of burning,scalding or burning to help students avoid such incidents. Knowledge objectives: To be able to use the following vocabulary correctlytechnique, : organ, ray, radiation, acid, millimetre, minor, victim, fabric, loose, urgent To be able to read hospital leaflets about first aid for burns, 学习 scalding and burns. 目标 Skill objectives: Be able to understand the causes, types and emergency rescue 与核 methods of burning. 心素 Be able to master the writing characteristics of expository text. 养 Emotional objectives: Through reading to understand the causes, types, characteristics and first-aid methods of burning,scalding or burning, improve their emergency handling ability and establish asense of prevention. Thinking quality objectives:Be able to think deeply about the significance of learning first aid knowledge and skills. 重点 1. How to identify the style of an article according to its language and writing style . 2. How to accurately grasp the purpose of writing. 难点 How to write the instructions about first aid. 教学过程 教学环 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 节 导入新 Lead –in (PPT1-5) 课 1.Look at the picture and discuss some questions Work in To activate the
