项链旁白:一天,皮埃尔拿到一封教育局舞会邀请函,高兴地回家准备给马蒂尔德 One day, Pierrir recieved an education bureau party invitatio
文档仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。 项链 旁白:一天,皮埃尔拿到一封教育局舞会邀请函,高兴地回家准备给马蒂尔德 One day, Pierrir recieved an education bureau party invitation ,and so happy to go home to prepare to show it to matilde 皮:玛蒂尔德,开门! Mathilde Open the door! (兴奋地敲门——体现拿到请柬后急于要给玛看的心情) 玛:真是的,你没带钥匙吗!自己开!(恼怒美梦被打破) what the hell, you have not brought the key? Open the door by your own! 皮: (开门——好心情并未被破坏,走向玛)看呀,这儿有点好东西给你.(扬了扬请柬) “There,” said he, “there’s something for you.” 玛:是吗?什么东西? (边说边站起,接过请柬——感到有些意外,又非常高兴 她边 Is it? What’s that? 走边读,慢慢的,情绪由开心转为懊恼) 玛:(扔请柬)你叫我拿这东西怎么办呢? “What do you want me to do with that?” 皮: (迅速小心地捡起请柬,难过地)可是,亲爱的,我原以为你一定很喜欢的,你从来不出 门,这是一个机会,这个——一个好机会!我费了多大力气才弄到手,大家都希望得到,可是 很难得到——它一向很少发给职员.你在那儿能够看见所有的官员.(玛任性地背着脸,皮围 着玛转,体现皮讨好妻子,而玛任性,不听话的 But, my dear, Ithought you would be pleased. You never go out, and here’s achance, afine one. Ihad the hardest work to get it. Everybody is after them; they are greatly sought for and not many are given to the clerks. You will see there all the official world. 玛:可是,你打算让我穿什么去呢?(愤怒,瞪着眼)