中词英解:噱头范文 在似乎人人都想出名的时代,普通人都可能会做一些让人意想不到的事情来引人关注,名人们就更不用说了。于是,各类综艺节目从来都不愁没有“噱头”可做。我们在办公室的这些人呢,也就
中词英解:噱头范文 在似乎人人都想出名的时代,普通人都可能会做一些让人意 想不到的事情来引人关注,名人们就更不用说了。于是,各类综艺节 目从来都不愁没有“噱头”可做。我们在办公室的这些人呢,也就不 愁闲聊的时候没有谈资了。今天,咱们就说说这个“噱头”吧。 In atelevision show or radio program, a controversial or exciting segment designed to get people talking about the show is called “watercooler moment”. 在电视或广播节目中,那些提前设计好的较具争议性或者很 精彩的节目片断通常会成为人们的谈资(即我们平时常说的节目的“噱 头”),这些片断就叫watercooler moment。 It's aclassic workplace scene: Two or three co-workers arrive at the office watercooler more or less simultaneously and abrief —and ideally non-work-related — conversation ensues. Nowadays, these confabs are just as likely to break out in the coffee room, alongside the photocopier, or while waiting to use the fax machine. But the "watercooler" was long ago chosen as the symbolic location for spontaneous workplace chinwagging. 这个短语为我们展现的是办公室常见的一个情景:三两个同