高三英语一轮复习 Module 5 Cloning阅读案(无答案)外研版选修6

Module5 Cloning话题了解关于克隆方面的知识,进一步增强对生物科学的了解和热爱。重点知识resist; cure; I wish I could; cure; benefit;词性转换阅

Module5 Cloning 话题 了解关于克隆方面的知识,进一步增强对生物科学的了解和热爱。 重点知识 resist; cure; Iwish Icould; cure; benefit;词性转换 阅读导学案 使用方法:自主阅读P58-59课文,然后尝试完成下面的练习。做完后,自行查阅教材进 行答案校对。 Ⅰ: 汉译英填空 Frankenstein’s Monster The story of Frankenstein Frankenstein is the name of ayoung scientist from Geneva, in Switzerland. While _______________ (在大学学习), he discovers the secret of how to create life. _____________________ (使用死尸的骨头), he creates a creature that resembles ahuman being and gives it life. The creature, which is very large and strong, and is also extremely ugly, terrifies ___________________ (看到他的人). However, the monster, who has learnt to speak, is intelligent and has human emotions. He becomes lonely and unhappy when he can’t find any friends and soon he begins to hate his creator Frankenstein. When Frankenstein refuses to create awife for him, the monster murders Frankenstein’s brother, his best friend Clerval, and finally, Frankenstein’s new wife Elizabeth. The scientist chases the creature to the Arctic _____________________ (为了毁灭他), but he dies there. __________________ (在故事的结尾), the monster disappears into the ice and snow to end his own life. Extract from Frankenstein It was ___________________ (在一个寒冷的十一月的晚上) that Isaw my creation for the first time. Feeling very anxious, Iprepared the equipment that would ______________ (给予生命) the thing that lay at my feet. It was already one in the morning and the rain fell against the window. My candle was almost ______________ (燃尽) when, by its tiny light, Isaw the yellow eye of the creature open. It breathed hard, and moved its arms and legs. How can Idescribe my emotions when Isaw this happen? How can I describe the monster who Ihad worked so hard to create? Ihad tried to _____________ (让他漂亮). Beautiful! He was the ugliest thing ______________ (我曾经看过的)! You could see the veins beneath his yellow skin. His hair 1
