第一篇:国际航运业务英语与函电复习资料国际航运业务英语与函电 复习资料before breaking bulk (BBB)开仓卸货前,pilot on board (POB)引航员登船 heavy d
第一篇:国际航运业务英语与函电复习资料 国际航运业务英语与函电复习资料 before breaking bulk (BBB),pilot on board (POB) heavy diesel oil 开仓卸货前引航员登船 (H.D.O.),China Classification Society (CCS), American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), port of 重柴油 call estimated time of departure (ETD), Tally Certificate, Chief Officer (C/O), 挂靠港理货单 China Ocean Shipping Agency deratting exemption certificate , 中国外轮代理公司免于除鼠证书 under separate cover, Freight Prepaid, Freight to Collect,customs 在另函中预付运费到付运费 formality, customs clearance, cubic feet (CBFT/CUFT), awkward cargoes 通关手续通关立方英尺 ,securing, lashing, dunnage,IMDG Code, Dangerous Cargo 大件货系固绑扎垫舱国际货规 Anchorage, laytime statement of facts (SOF), within the 危险货物锚地装卸时间事实记录 stipulated time, shut out, all the parties concerned, indemnity 在规定时间内退关相关各方 letter (letter of indemnity, LOI), the whole lot ofrough handling, outturn 保函一整票野蛮装卸 report, logbook, log entry, tween-deck, lower hold 卸货报告航海日志航海日志记录双层甲板间 ,survey report, spare no effort, bear the burden of proof 底层舱鉴定报告不遗余力负有举证责 Steamship (S.S), shipment, ,partial shipment, PODPOC, POA port of 任机动船装船分批货 departure,call,arrival, port of transshipment ,port surcharge, port capacity 中转港港口费港口 ,port disbursementtransshipment not allowedCustoms, 生产能力港口使费,转运不允许海关 Immigration Office, Customs formalities, customs declaration, 边检海关手续报关通关 fumigation, entrusting party, despatch money, demurrage, canvass 熏舱委托方速遣费滞期费 cargoes,Notice Of Readiness (N/R), general 拉票货物装卸准备就绪通知书 agent,sole agentBooking Note (B/N)Tally Sheet, Cargo 总代理独家代理托运单,理货单
