
2022年考研考博-考博英语-电子科技大学考试题库易错、难点精编【a】(参考答案)一.综合题(共50题)1.单选题 The thieves fled with the local police clo

书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她 2022年考研考博-考博英语-电子科技大学考试题库易错、难点精编 【答案】C 【解析】句意:在这场灾难后,我们渐渐明白一个事实:一个健康的生活习惯能让我们远离一些可怕的疾病。 【a】(参考答案) 考查短语辨析。选项均为对应短语的过去式。focus on 集中注意力于,聚焦于;impose on 利用,欺骗, 施加影响于; dawn on被理解,渐渐明白;lean on 依赖,靠在……上。故选C。 一.综合题(共50题) 1. 单选题 The thieves fled with the local police close on their( ). 3. 单选题 问题1选项 In the 1950s, the pioneers of artificial intelligence (AI) predicted that, by the end of this century, computers would be conversing with us at work and robots would be performing A.backs our housework. But as useful as computers are, they’re nowhere close to achieving anything remotely resembling these early aspirations for humanlike behavior. Never mind something as B.necks complex as conversation: the most powerful computers struggle to reliably recognize the shape of an object, the most elementary of tasks for aten-month-old kid. C.toes Agrowing group of AI researchers think they know where the field went wrong. The problem, the scientists say, is that AI has been trying to separate the highest, most abstract D.heels levels of thought, like language and mathematics, and to duplicate them with logical, step-by-step programs. Anew movement in AI, on the other hand, takes acloser look at the more roundabout way in which nature came up with intelligence. Many of these researchers 【答案】D study evolution and natural adaptation instead of formal logic and conventional computer 【解析】句意:逃跑的小偷后面紧跟着当地的警察。 programs. Rather than digital computers and transistors, some want to work with brain cells 考查固定搭配。on (at) one's heels 紧跟某人后面。 and proteins. The results of these early efforts are as promising as they are peculiar, and the new nature-based AI movement is slowly but surely moving to the forefront of the field. Imitating the brain’ sneural (祌经的)network is ahuge step in the right direction, says computer scientist and biophysicist Michael Conrad, but it still misses an important aspect of natural intelligence. “People tend to treat the brain as if it were made up of 2. color-coded transistors”,he explains, “but it’s not simply aclever network of switches. 单选题 There are lots of important things going on inside the brain cells themselves.” After the disaster, the truth( )us that ahealthy habit of living can keep us away from Specifically, Conrad believes that many of the brain’s capabilities stem from the some terrible diseases. pattern-recognition proficiency of the individual molecules that make up each brain cell. The best way to build an artificially intelligent device, he claims, would be to build it around the same sort of molecular skills. 问题1选项 Right now, the notion that conventional computers and software are fundamentally incapable of matching the processes that take place in the brain remains controversial. But if it A.focused on proves true, then the efforts of Conrad and his fellow AI rebels could turn out to be the only game in town. B.imposed on 1. The author says that the powerful computers of today( ). C.dawned on 2. The new trend in artificial intelligence research steins from( ). 3. Conrad and his group of AI researchers have been making enormous efforts to( ). D.leaned on 4. What’s the author’s opinion about the new AI movement? 5. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “the only game in town”
