
2020年山西省临汾市霍州开元街道办事处联合学校高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. The word “track” ________ a path which is made of earth

A. othersB.itC.that D. 年山西省临汾市霍州开元街道办事处联合学校高三英语 2020 期末试题含解析 the ones 参考答案: 一、选择题 D The word “track” ________ apath which is made of earth ________ having asurface covered 1. 5. How was Robert's cooking? — with other materials. Oh, pretty good. Iwas quite _____. — A. refers to; rather than B. leads to; other than A. admired B. interested C. C. adds to; rather than D. replies to; other than impressed D. inspired 参考答案: 参考答案: C A 略 6. --- He is avery hard-working student . 2. ______ and Iwill finish the exam paper. ---________As far as Iknow, he often burns the midnight oil .. A. Have ten more minutes B. Ten more minutes AYou can say that again BAbsolutely not .. C.Given ten more minutes D. If Ihave ten more minutes CHeaven knows DNo way .. 参考答案: 参考答案: B A 略 —I feel it necessary that everything by the time our manager arrives. 7. 3. —Oh, you haven’t read my e-mail? —Yes, to make sure the conference is held on schedule. —Sorry, Ihaven’t had any ______ to the computer these days. A. is ready B. will be ready C. be ready D. has been ready A.aids B.basis C.access 参考答案: D.approach C 参考答案: 27. Since the matter was extremely _________, we dealt with it immediately. C A. tough B. tense C. urgent D. instant --- What about the price of these washing machines? 4. 参考答案: --- They are equal in price to, if not cheaper than, ____ at the other shops in the street. C
