AlTEM 急冷基准晶结构转变的原位研究的开题报 告 摘要: Al 本文研究了急冷基准晶在低温下的结构转变过程。利用原位透射 TEM 电子显微镜()观察样品在不同温度下的变化,并通过透射电子显微 镜图像分析,确定了样品在不同温度下的晶体结构。 Al0℃ 结果表明,当基准晶在左右急冷至低温时,会发生结构转 FCCBCC 变,从初始的面心立方()结构转变为体心立方()结构。此过 程中,晶体结构发生塑性变形,表现为晶界移动、位错形成和排列,导 致晶粒的变形和尺寸变化。此外,还观察到了晶格缺陷的产生和扩散, 例如点缺陷、缩孔和晶体缺陷等。 Al 综上,本研究为理解基准晶的结构演化过程提供了基础的实验和 理论依据。 Al 关键词:透射电子显微镜;急冷;基准晶;结构转变;晶格缺陷 Abstract: In this study, the structural transformation process of the rapidly cooled Al base crystal at low temperature was investigated. The in-situ transmission electron microscope (TEM) was used to observe the changes of the sample at different temperatures, and the crystal structures at different temperatures were determined through TEM image analysis. The results showed that when Al base crystal was rapidly cooled to low temperature at around 0°C, astructural transformation occurred, transitioning from the initial face-centered cubic (FCC) structure to body-centered cubic (BCC) structure. During this process, the crystal structure underwent plastic deformation, resulting in grain boundary movement, dislocation formation and arrangement, leading to deformation and size changes of the grains. In addition, the formation and diffusion of lattice defects, such as point defects, shrinkage and crystal defects, were also observed.