
英语作文一天的活动   导语:你的一天是怎么度过的呢?下面是为大家的英语一天的活动,希望对大家有所帮助。更多相关的知识,请关注FLA学习网!   This afternoonmy mother and

英语作文一天的活动 导语:你的一天是怎么度过的呢?下面是为大家的英语一天的活 动,希望对大家有所帮助。更多相关的知识,请关注FLA学习网! This afternoonmy mother and Iare at home balcony throw darts.My mother and Iprepared anotebook to record the scoreto throw the dartthe first time Igot zerosecond scored seven pointsmother first got the pointssecond got zerowe two high and one low imperceptibly over aperiod of timemy mother and Ito the last disc the mom and Ihope to win the otherbut not necessarily winfinally IlostMommy won.I sighedmother said:" don't be discouragedthe next task."今天下午,我和妈妈在家里的阳台上扔飞镖,我和妈妈准备 了一个笔记本,记录得分,扔飞镖,我第一次得到零分,二得了七 分,妈妈第一次有点,二得了零分,我们两高一低不知不觉过一段 一次,我和妈妈到最后一盘我和妈妈希望赢对方,但不一定能赢, 最后我输了,妈妈赢了。我叹了口气,妈妈说:“别灰心,下一个 任务。” Today is MondayI get up at 6:30.ThenI take ashower and brush my teeth.Then Ieat breakfast at 7:00.After breakfast Igo to school at 7:30. In the morningI have many subject.they are Englishmathand two Chinese.Then is eat lunch timetoday I eat some bread.In the afternoon Ihave four classtoo.They are puterP.E.biology and music. After school Ido my homework.then Ieat dinner at 6:
