
血管通路护理门诊专科发展的实践与思考 [摘要] 阐述血管通路护理门诊专科发展的院内院外现状;探索血管通路护理门诊未来的发展方向,引出在全民大健康事业的蓬勃发展的时代,专科护理人员如何把握好护理与

血管通路护理门诊专科发展的实践与思考 [摘要] 阐述血管通路护理门诊专科发展的院内院外现 状;探索血管通路护理门诊未来的发展方向,引出在全民大健 康事业的蓬勃发展的时代,专科护理人员如何把握好护理与 临床医学的边界并能学以致用,真正有效服务与患者,向更专 业、敬业的方向发展。 [关键词] 血管通路;护理;门诊 [中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1672-5654(2019)07(a)-0121-03 Practice and Thinking on the Development of Vascular Access Nursing Clinic ZHU Qing Yanghu Campus, Changzhou Second People's Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, 213000 China [Abstract] Explain the current situation of out-of-hospital development of vascular access nursing clinics; explore the future development direction of vascular access nursing clinics, and lead to the development of the health care and clinical medicine in
