
)什么都不要JI want nothing)什么都想要)I want it all now/我爱说脏话』I've got a dirty mouthJ没打算改掉』I'm not gonna wash

)什么都不要 J Iwant nothing )什么都想要) Iwant it all now /我爱说脏话』 I've got adirty mouth 没打算改掉』 J I'm not gonna wash it out 我的行李箱) ) I've got baggage )滚轮超级大) Its got big wheels 我有只小狗』 ) Igot alittle dog )总咬我脚跟) Biting at my heels 要冷静 It's like calm down. /美梦没法成真」 Not gonna make your dreams come true 』别碰我) Don't touch me 个别看我 J Don't even look at me 她要去塞莱斯特的办公室吗 Is she going into Celeste's office? /我的大眼睛 J I've got laser beams /能发射激光) Coming out my eyes /难道你真要 J Do you still really )自找麻烦吗』 Wanna mess with me? 别这么看着我这事我非做不可 Don't look at me like that. Ineed to do this. )你敢惹我吗』 Mess with me? ・ 我是达芙妮杨
