
信令流程宝典(Ver.1) 缩略语清单: Abis接口BTS到BSC之间的接口 BTS Base Tranceiver System 基站 BSC Base Station Controller 基站控制器 CDMACode Division Muti Access 码分多址 ECAMExtended Channel Assignment message扩展信道指配消息 Ec/Io Pilot energy accumulated over one PN chip period(Ec)to the total power spectral desity(Io) in the received bandwidth 每码片的能量比上所处1.23M带宽内的总功率谱密度 其中Io为有效信号+噪声在信号频带内的总功率 Ec/Ior E是导频码片功率,I为基站前向发射总功率,它们之比表示导频功率占 COr 基站总的发射功率的百分比。 EIB Erase Indication Bit 擦除指示位 ESCAMExtended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message扩展补充信道指配消息 FCH Fundamental Channel 基本信道 FER Frame Error Ratio 误帧率 FMR Frame Processing Board 帧处理板 FW TFC Forward Triffic Channel前向业务信道 MS Mobile Station 移动台 NUM_RSCCHNumber of Reverse Supplemental Code channel反向补充编码信道个数 OMU Operation Maintenance Unit操作维护 PMRM Power Measurement Report Message 功率测量报告消息 RC Radio configuration无线配置 Rx Received Power接收功率 RV TFC Reverse Triffic Channel反向业务信道 SCH Supplemental Channel补充信道 Tx Transmit Power 发射功率 FFER Forward Frame Ersure Rate 前向误帧率
