Unit 3Using Language & Assessing Your Progress一、填空1.Doing exercise every day gives me a good ___ (胃口
Unit 3 Using Language &Assessing Your Progress 一、填空 1.Doing exercise every day gives me agood ___ (胃口). 2.The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to ___ (展示) their work. 3.The ___ (壮丽的) scenery of the Forbidden City left adeep impression on us. 4.His performance was absolutely ___ (极佳的). 5.The lady dressed in the latest ___ (流行款式) is our English teacher. 6.It is extremely ___ (罕见的) for it to be this hot in April. 7.What an ___ (可爱的) child your son is! 8.The problems facing the President are ___ (巨大的). 9.It seemed ___ (难以置信的) that she had been there aweek already. 10.You can collect stamps related to aparticular ___ (主题). 11.I __________ (rare) get colds, and Fm fit because Itake alot of exercise. 12.Harefield Hospital has become world-famous __________ its pioneering heart transplant surgery. 13.Have fun __________ (learn) English in different ways, such as brainstorming, games, competitions, drawing amind- map. 14.Not all doctors are __________ (skill) in helping their patients make choices. 15.The official mascots of the Beijing Olympic Games are five __________ (adore) fuwa. 二.阅读理解 Istopped to watch my little girl busy playing in her room. In one hand was a plastic phone; in the other atoy. Ilistened as she was speaking to her make-believe little friend and I'll never forget the words she said, even though they were imagined. She said, "Susie's in the comer because she's not been very good. She didn't listen to aword Isaid or do the things she should." In the corner Isaw her baby doll well-dressed. It was obvious that she'd been put there to sit alone