
At every stage of our lives we make decisions that will profoundly influence the lives of the people

At every stage of our lives we make decisions that will profoundly influence the lives of the people we're going to become, and then when we become those people, we're not always thrilled with the decisions we made. So young people pay good money to get tattoos removed that teenagers paid good money to get. Middle-aged people rushed to divorce people who young adults rushed to marry. Older adults work hard to lose what middle-aged adults worked hard to gain. On and on and on. The question is, as a psychologist, that fascinates me is, why do we make decisions that our future selves so often regret? 在我们生命的每个阶段,我们都会做出一些决定,这些决定会深刻影响未来我们自己的生活, 当我们成为未来的自己时,我们并不总是对过去做过的决定感到高兴。所以年轻人花很多钱 洗去当还是青少年时花了很多钱做上的纹身。中年人急着跟年轻时迫不及待想结婚的人离 婚。老年人很努力的挥霍着作为中年人时不停工作所赚的钱。如此没完没了。作为一个心理 学家,让我感兴趣的问题是,为什么我们会做出让自己将来常常后悔的决定? Now, Ithink one of the reasons -- I'll try to convince you today —is that we have afundamental misconception about the power of time. Every one of you knows that the rate of change slows over the human lifespan, that your children seem to change by the minute but your parents seem to change by the year. But what is the name of this magical point in life where change suddenly goes from agallop to acrawl? Is it teenage years? Is it middle age? Is it old age? The answer, it turns out, for most people, is now,
