筝曲《闹元宵》研究 摘要:河南筝曲《闹元宵》是由曹东扶先生在解放后创作的,曲子采用了河 南的民间的一些民俗活动来作为题材内容,整首乐曲的旋律十分的欢快,从而反映 出当地的劳动人民的幸福的生活。这部筝曲不仅仅具有传统的韵致,而且又富有一 定的时代的精神。因此,它从诞生之日起很受到了很大的反响,并在很多地方被广 为流传。本文主要对于筝曲《闹元宵》的作者曹东扶先生的生平进行了一定的介 绍,并且对于这部筝曲的创作的特点以及旋律结构的特征进行了探讨,并在此基础 上从右手的演奏手法和左手的演奏手法两方面对于这部筝曲的演奏技巧提供了一些 建议,力求能够为筝曲《闹元宵》的演奏提供一定的有价值的参考,并为河南筝曲 的研究和发展起到一定的推动作用。 关键词:河南筝曲,《闹元宵》,创作特点、演奏技法 Abstract:Henan zheng "Lantern Festival" by Mr. Cao Dong Fu created after liberation, Henan folk song used some folk activities as the subject matter, the whole song's melody is very cheerful, reflecting the local working people happy life. This koto music not only has the traditional charm, and also full of acertain spirit of the times. Therefore, it is the date of birth has been agreat response, and in many places has been widely circulated. In this paper, for Koto "Lantern Festival" author Mr. Cao Dong Fu's life, which must be introduced, and the characteristics of this koto music creations and features melodic structure were discussed, and on this basis, from the right hand playing techniques and left hand playing techniques both for this koto music playing skills to provide some suggestions, and strive to be able to provide some valuable reference koto "Lantern Festival" performance, and for research and development of Henan zheng song plays acertain effect. Keywords: Henan zheng, "Lantern Festival", the characteristics of