广东省清远市连州东陂中学高二英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Nowadays, children can have free _____ education in some poor rural
广东省清远市连州东陂中学高二英语模拟试卷含解析 一、选择题 Nowadays, children can have free _____ education in some poor rural areas. 1. A. approval of B. access to C. desire for D. talent for 参考答案: B 2. Beijing was attacked by such aterrible sandstorm __________few citizens has ever experienced before. A. where B. as C. when D. which 参考答案: B 略 Alie can travel half way around the world ________ the truth is putting on its 3. shoes. A. if B. while C. unless D. until 参考答案: B whilewhile“” 考察并列连词。该句为并列句,并列连词,表对比关系,意为而,却。直 :,:B 译当真理还在穿鞋的时候谎言已经走了一半的路了。意译谬误总比真理流传的快。选。 Only in that way ______ ready for the challenges and opportunities in life. 4. A. will we beB. we will beC. will be we D. we shall be 1/ 14