
Module 2 EducationI. Teaching goals 模块教学目标听[来[来源:.shulihua.net]源:.shulihua.net][来SkillListen to peop

Module 2Education 模块教学目标 I. Teaching goals [ 来 听 :.shulihua.net][ 源 来 [:.shulihua.net] 来源 Skill Listen to peopl e t a l k i n g a b o u t t h e s c h o o l a n d t h e s c h o o l l i f e :.shulihua.net][ 源 来 [ 来 :.shulihua.net.shulihua.net] 源 :.shulihua.net.shulihua.net] 源 Focus Talk about your own school and school life 说 Read articles about the school and the school life 读 Make an education questionnaire; Write aleaflet about your school. 写 Talking about the school: It isn tas big as ours. P10 ’ There are afew science laboratories. P10 And they have ahall for concerts. P10 功 Which school is better, our school or Park school P10 能 Both schools are very nice. P10 句 And neither school has anything the other hasn tgot. P10 ’ 式 Everyday English: Whats it like P10 ’ Let shave alook. P10 ’ Language P10 But what Focus 1 .重点词汇 geography, physical, PE, neither, present, absent, speech, safely, drug, society, 2 .认读词汇 词 secondary, fortunately, Spanish, French, involve, athletics, disco, really 3. 汇短语 , eitheror, neithernor 语法 The usage of different pronouns
