职称英语短文练习和答案 Development in Newspaper Organization One of the most important developments in news
职称英语短文练习和答案 Development in Newspaper Organization One of the most important developments in newspaper organization during the first part of the twentieth century 1, which are known as wire services. Wire-service panies employed reporters, who covered stories all over the world. Their news reports were sent to papers throughout the country by telegraph. The papers paid an annual fee for this service. Wire services continue 2. Today the major wire services are the Associated Press (AP) and United Press International (UPI). You will frequently find AP or UPI at the beginning of anews story. Newspaper chains and mergers began to appear in the early 1900s. Achain consists of two or more newspapers 3. Amerger involves bining two or more papers into one. During the nieenth century many cities had more than one petitive independent paper. Today in most cities there are only one or two newspapers, and 4. Often newspapers in several cities belong to one chain. Papers have bined 5. Chains and mergers have cut down production costs and brought the advantages of big-business methods to the newspaper industry. A. to play an important role in newspaper operations B. was the growth of telegraph services C. and they usually enjoy great prestige