七年级英语上册 Unit 7 Shopping Grammer教案 (新版)牛津版

Unit 7 Shopping Grammar教学目标1 用some和any谈论数量。2 用there be句型谈论事物的存在。3 培养发现规律和认识规律的能力。教学内容四会内容词汇:paper句型:

Unit 7Shopping Grammar 教学目标 1用some和any谈论数量。 2用there be句型谈论事物的存在。 3培养发现规律和认识规律的能力。 教学内容 四会内容 词汇:paper 句型:I need to buy some Christmas presents. Do you have any money? Idon’t have any money. There is apear on the table. There is some milk on the table. There is not any bread on the table. There are not any cakes on the table Is there apear on the table? Is there any salt on the table? Yes/No, there is/isn’t. Are there any vegetables on the table? Yes/No, there are/aren’t. 教学准备 1一些文具如书、铅笔等。 2一瓶水。 教学步骤 A. Using some/any Step I导入 L用实物呈现some和any 的用法。 教师拿出一本书说:I have abook. 拿出一摞书说:I have some books. 将some books 1
