Module 4 Music Born in America课时素养评价十一 Module 4 GrammarⅠ. 单句改错1. It has been five years after they m
Module 4Music Born in America 课时素养评价 十一 Module 4Grammar Ⅰ. 单句改错 (after改为since) 1. It has been five years after they married. (去掉第二个will) 2. It will be half amonth before we will graduate. 3. Hardly had the words been spoken than he realized that he should have (than改为when) remained silent. (while改 4. They were walking in the street while they heard footsteps behind. 为when) 5. The boy made loud noise in the classroom and his teacher told him not to make. (去掉make) 6. The instantly Isaw him, Irecognized him, though we had not seen each other (instantly改为instant) for years. (在I后加上 7. By the time he comes here tomorrow, Ihave finished the work. will) 8. There are some health problems that, when not treating in time, can become (treating改为treated) bigger ones later on. 9. With time went on, they forgot their original target to realize their dream. (With改为As) (去掉for) 10. The book gave me adeep impression for the first time Iread it. Ⅱ. 句型转换 1. He may not be at home then. If he is not at home, leave him anote. If so, →He may not be at home then. leave him anote. 2. She fell asleep while she was doing her homework. while doing her homework →She fell asleep . 3. Immediately he came home, he told me the news. As soon as/The moment →he came home, he told me the news.