TED英语演讲 第六感到底准不准

TED英语演讲 第六感到底准不准 TED英语演讲:第六感到底准不准   An evolutionary biologist at Purdue University named William Mui

TED英语演讲 第六感到底准不准 TED英语演讲:第六感到底准不准 An evolutionary biologist at Purdue University named William Muir studied chickens. He was interested in productivity —I think it's something that concerns all of us —but it's easy to measure in chickens because you just I've been intrigued by this question of whether we could evolve or develop asixth sense -- asense that would give us seamless aess and easy aess to meta-information or information that may exist somewhere that may be relevant to help us make the right decision about whatever it is that we're ing across. 有一个问题我思考了很久, 就是我们能否进化出一种第六感官。 这种感官可以让我们快速的 便捷的获得元信息, 或者是其他的一些 信息, 在我们需要做出一些决定的时候, 这些信息能帮助我们做出 正确的选择。 And some of you may argue, well, don't today's cell phones do that already? But Iwould say no. When you meet someone here at TED -- and this is the top working place, of course, of the year -- you don't shake somebody's hand and then say, "Can you hold on for amoment while Itake out my phone and Google you?" 你们可能会说, 当今的手机不正是如此吗? 但是,我不认同。
