
愚人节英语挺优秀作文范文   传统上来讲,愚人节这一天,人们可以互相搞恶作剧,骗人跑腿,欺骗不知情的人。没人知道这个节日是怎么来的,但人们普遍认为它源自法国。精心为你了愚人节英语作文,希望对你有所借鉴

愚人节英语挺优秀作文范文 传统上来讲,愚人节这一天,人们可以互相搞恶作剧,骗人跑 腿,欺骗不知情的人。没人知道这个节日是怎么来的,但人们普遍 认为它源自法国。精心为你了愚人节英语作文,希望对你有所借鉴 作用哟。 April fools' day is aday to play jokes on others, no one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in france. in the 16 th century, people celebrated new year's day from march 25 to april 1. In the mid—1560s king charles ix changed it from march 25 to january 1. but some people still celebrated in on april 1(qiewo.), so others called them april fools. each country celebrates april fools' day differently. In france, people call the april fools “april fish”. they tape apaper fish to their friends' backs to fool them. when he or she finds this ,they shout “april fish!” in england, people play jokes only in the morning. you are a“noodle” if someone fools you. In scotland, april fools' day is 48 hours long. they call an april fool “april gowk”. gowk is another name for acuckoo bird. In the america, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of aprol. they may point down to your shoe and say, “your shoelace is untied.” if you believe them and look down to see, you are
