2022年陕西省教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力精选试题及答案四一单选题(共60题)1、/s/and/θ/can be distinguished by__________.A.manner o
年陕西省教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力精 2022 选试题及答案四 (60) 一单选题共题 1/s/and/θ/can be distinguished by__________. 、 A.manner of articulation B.place of articulation C.vibration of the vocal cords D.aspiration of articulation B 【答案】 2Passage 1 、 A.It can forget what we want to remember B.It can memorize what we want to remember C.It can store limitless information like alibrary D.It forgets the old information while absorbing the new