商务英语并购事宜术语实际运用 英: Following are some sentences that make use of merger and acquisition terms: Me
商务英语并购事宜术语实际运用 英: Following are some sentences that make use of merger and acquisition terms: Merger /acquisition That pany lives by mergers and acquisitions. They just keep growing and growing. Takeover Ithink that pany is ripe for atakeover. They have great market share but they’re in poor financial condition. Leveraged buyout That leveraged buyout was some smart thinking on your part. We diversified our product line and expanded our market share without laying out any cash. Crown jewels In our lineup of health care products, the Cosmetics division is our crown jewel. Saturday night special That announcement sure blindsided them. It was a Saturday night special and we caught them asleep at the wheel. Sleeping Beauty Iwonder which Prince Charming will court that Sleeping Beauty.