
江西省宜春市田心中学2020-2021学年高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Best of all, with online education, we can stick to our

江西省宜春市田心中学学年高二英语下学期期末试 2020-2021 mind about her future. 卷含解析 A. take upB. make up C. pick upD. build up 一、选择题 参考答案: Best of all, with online education, we can stick to our jobs and at the same time study and _______the latest knowledge. 1. A A. absorb B. entertain C. reflect D. attract 6. ---Why don’t we go to the new Sichuan restaurant for ameal? 参考答案: -----_____ A 略 A. Great! Ihave been expecting that B.Sorry, but Iforget it Ibought my mother apresent and wished to give her asurprise on her birthday, but my 2. C. No, Iwon’t go for it D.It’s not my pleasure father____the secret. 参考答案: A. put away B. put off C. gave away D. gave off A 参考答案: According to aUN report, 30 precent of the world population have no to clean 7. C drinking water and health care. A. put awayB. put offC. gave awayD. 【详解】考查动词词组。收起来放好;推迟;赠送,泄密; A.meansB.approach gave off 发出。句意:我给妈妈买了一件礼物,想在她生日时给她一个惊喜,但我爸爸泄露了秘密。 C.channelD.access C 故选。 参考答案: 31. At minus 130, aliving cell can be ______ for athousand years. ℃ D A. spared B. protected C. preserved D. developed :have access to“,”,A“”,of,“……”;B 提示意为利用使用符合题意。项方法通常与搭配表示的方法 参考答案: “”;C“,,” 项方法项渠道频道海峡。 C 略 It is believed that the construction of ahighway will ____ growth of the suburbs. 8. A. increase to B. contribute to C. keep to D. take to Ihad ______ quarrel with my deskmate yesterday but she made ______ apology to 4. 参考答案: me later. A. the; anB. a; theC. the; the B 9. William, as well as his friends________invited to my birthday party the day before yesterday. , D. a; an 参考答案: Ais Bwas Care Dwere .... D My daughter is not sure what to_______ at the university; she can’t make up her 5. 参考答案:
