

场外金融衍生品市场功能型监管研究的中期报告 【摘要】 随着国内金融衍生品市场的发展,监管部门的监管工作也不断加 强,监管理念也不断更新,从重点监管场内股指期货转变为场外金融衍 生品全面监管。本文以功能型监管为视角,分析了场外金融衍生品市场 的监管现状、存在的问题和解决思路,并对场外金融衍生品市场功能型 监管的构建进行了初步探讨。 【关键词】场外金融衍生品市场,监管,功能型监管 Abstract 【】 With the development of the domestic financial derivatives market, regulatory agencies have continuously strengthened their supervision and updated their regulatory concepts, shifting from the focus on supervising on-exchange stock index futures to acomprehensive regulatory regime covering over-the-counter financial derivatives. This paper takes afunctional regulatory perspective to analyze the current regulatory situation, problems and solutions in the over-the-counter financial derivatives market, and preliminarily explores the construction of functional regulation for the over-the-counter financial derivatives market. Keywordsover-the-counter financial derivatives market, 【】 regulation, functional regulation 【目录】 一、绪论 1.1 研究背景和意义 1.2 研究目的和意义 1.3 研究方法和思路 二、场外金融衍生品市场的监管现状
