death be not proud赏析


Death Be Not Proud by John Donne An Analysis of Donne's Divine Sonnet X In "Death be not proud" (Divine Sonnet X), Donne turns his rhetorical skills on his greatest poetic adversary -death itself. “Divine Sonnet X” by John Donne is one of his best-known religious poems. It famously begins “Death be not proud” and advances astream of arguments to prove that man’s greatest fear has no power over him. Apostrophe The opening line, “Death be not proud”, is an apostrophe or address to an abstract figure. Donne favours apostrophes and dramatic monologues, which give an immediacy and urgency to his rhetoric –in his career as a churchman, Donne was afamous preacher, so it’s no surprise that many of his poems sound like dramatic speeches. In rhetorically picking on death, Donne is taking on abig adversary, though not entirely without precedent. There is an echo in the opening of St. Paul’s famous demand in 1Corinthians 15:55, “O death, where is thy sting? Ograve, where is thy victory?” Ads by Google Learn Italian in Italy Join one of our small group road trips around Italy. God Can Give You New Life Learn From This True Life Story How God Can Change Your Life Arguments Rather than developing asingle line of logic, Donne throws several arguments at Death to try to humble it. “those whom thou think’st thou dost ovethrow/ Die not” he declares, without fully explaining what he means at this point. “Rest and sleep” seem to be the “pictures” of death, and these are enjoyable, he argues, so the real thing must be even more pleasant –and in any case
