2019-2020年高中英语 U2 reading(I)导学案 牛津版必修1
2019-2020年高中英语 U2 reading(I)导学案 牛津版必修1学习目标:1. 以学生掌握阅读剧本的方式、理解文章细节、分析文章要点为主的阅读课的第一部分;2. 通过本课时希望让学生达到对
2019-2020年高中英语 U2 reading(I)导学案 牛津版必修1 学习目标: 掌握阅读剧本的方式理解文章细节分析文章要点 1. 以学生、、为主的阅读课的第一部分; 对文章内容融会贯通对人物性格特点清楚把握对剧本 2. 通过本课时希望让学生达到,, 的阅读方式初步掌握小规模创作 ,甚至可以进行的理想目标。 Step 1Skimming and Scanning Part Please scan the whole play, and find the answers to the three questions in A . Step 2Understanding Part C1 and C2 Read the play carefully, and then finish . Step 3Performance prepares the playis ready to perform the play Each group and .And two charts the (表格) will help you understand characters better. Please pay attention to characters, the things they do and their feelings. Act one: Characters The things they do Feelings just arriving back from Mom and Dad the vacation Eric Daniel Act two: Characters The things they do Feelings Daniel Eric Mom Dad 爱心小贴士 【】 describe the feelings Maybe the words which are used to will help you. But If you don’t know, please look up them in first you should know their meanings. the dictionary.