英语短语high kick的意思
英语短语high kick的意思 是我们重要的一门课程,我们也要努力学好英语,英语短句high kick的意思是呢?下面是精心收集的high kick的意思,希望大家喜欢! 高踢,高踢腿
英语短语high kick的意思 是我们重要的一门课程,我们也要努力学好英语,英语短句 high kick的意思是呢?下面是精心收集的high kick的意思,希望 大家喜欢! 高踢,高踢腿 high kick 高角度踢 High-Kick Girl 高踢少女 high leg kick 高踢腿 High Spin Kick 高空纺轮蹴 high-kick 穿透屋顶的 ;舞蹈中的高踢腿动作 High twisting kick 高扭旋腿 high heel kick 翻身脚跟踢击 High Kick Angels 高踢天使 High back sweep kick 后高扫腿 ;–后高扫腿 1. Ithink Ihave really high confidence when I'm playing basketball and Ifeel like Ican kick some butt. 在赛场上,我有高度的自信去教训那些小喽啰! 2. While chansung was doing high kick, there was a friend who lived closeby him and they saw each other often. 在灿成拍摄high kick的时候,他有一个住在附近的朋友。他 们经常见面。 3. Find apadded or carpeted wall or spot that you can kick (sometimes shops have ahigh, carpet covered bench set up for boot fitting that works), do this with the boots snugged up like you would have them for hiking.